I've gotta apologize to anyone who's been reading this blog of mine as I haven't been updating for weeks!
I've been so busy with my wedding preparations and work that I haven't even had the time to get down to continue on this small little SD.
Luckily, over the past couple of days.. I'e managed to find quite a bit of spare time to get down on it.
Here's what I've done till date..
I cut out the slots so that the face to be pushed in. This is done because the head had a large seam line which I wanted to get rid of. More pics below to show the seam line across the whole head.
Here's more pics of the face that demonstrates how I can slide it in and out after removal of the seam lines across the head.
Here's a pic of a snap build without any painting done. damn... It looks so plain.
Right, now I'm kind of torn in thinking of how to paint this kit.... Any of you readers have any ideas?
Would you think a full metallic scheme would look cool on this? or a normal Universal century gundam colour of Red, Blue, White suit it better?
Please gimme comments if you have any comments :D
That's all for today.. Couldn't get much done.. I foresee that this is going to be slow.
Thanks for looking :) Be back soon!
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2 months ago